Buzzer-time at W.R. Lang – Of unromantic swarms and romantic heroes
The development of the bee colony reaches its peak in late spring and summer. Meadows and fields resemble a sea of blossoms, everything grows, blossoms, hums and buzzes. Who doesn’t get romantic thoughts?
Now is also the time for our bees to reproduce, the swarming time.
Bees reproduce by dividing the colony. One part of the colony forms a swarm and moves with the old queen to a new dwelling (a challenge for our beekeepers, who have to be especially careful at this time to avoid this swarm formation). The other part stays behind and raises a new queen, which leaves for the so-called nuptial flight only a few days after her hatching.

Queen on nuptial flight
Using pheromones, the queen bee attracts up to 20,000 male bees, which gather around her in the air. Of this impressive number of stormy admirers, however, only about 15 (!) chosen ones will get the chance to get to know the queen – well, let’s say “a little closer…” and that too in a hurry in flight! Who would like to congratulate the successful lovers now but be warned: These die directly after mating. (But probably very happy 🙂 ).
Video in german language
Summer greetings from our bees!
At the moment our bee pasture is in full splendor! Especially the huge, bright yellow sunflowers attract both bees and bumblebees with important pollen and nectar. But trail thistle, mallow, phacelia and borage also put bees and humans in a good mood! Buzzer-time in the meadow, too.
With our bees, we discover the beauty of summer right outside our door in 2021! In everything that blooms and lives and hums and buzzes! … And already begins the vacation in the head 🙂
Video in german language
Things are heating up at buzzer-time! Also for our bees!
In this spirit we wish all our friends, customers, colleagues and partners beautiful, flowery, lively and relaxed summer vacations. Buzzer-time! Sunny greetings

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