The bee pasture planted with our help is so green … and yellow, and red and orange and blue!
Through our sponsorship, a large bee pasture could be created (this link leads to Google Maps and shows the location of our bees). This is now in full glory! We are happy about all the buzzing and chirping life. And, of course, about countless butterflies, beetles and birds and, beyond that, about the rich buffet for our bees!
Living wonder! See how our bee pasture has changed over the course of spring and summer:

We set the table for bee, butterfly & co.
While the entire republic is riding the current heat waves as best it can, the landscape around us is slowly but surely becoming barren. The vast majority of crops have long since been harvested, the hay made and the much sung about “yellow stubble fields” dominate the overall picture. Drought, over-fertilization and intensive land use additionally contribute to the displacement of native wild plants.
For our bees, however, now is the time to stock up for the coming winter. But from the vital pollen and nectar – no trace, as far as the eye can see …
We are actively working against this!
Thanks to our commitment, a large-scale bee pasture has been created this year. Pollen-rich and insect-friendly plants such as mallow, phacelia, buckwheat, zinnia and many, many other plants thrive on it. Due to the natural density and different growth heights of the willow, the soil here is much better protected from drying out and desertification.
At the same time, the bee pasture counteracts constant heating of the environment.
The table for our bees, for butterflies and Co. is therefore richly covered and we are happy about so much life on our blooming island!
You can also read our other articles about our hard-working employees: