Sowing Bags – our spring and Easter greeting. A seed mixture for a colourful flower meadow
We would also like to make our contribution to a bee-friendly environment and ask our customers to support us in this:
With our spring and Easter greetings you will receive a Sowing Bag with a mixture of seeds for a colourful flower meadow – a rich source of nectar for bees!
Without wild and honey bees there would be no fruit, no vegetables and no flowers. If you have a garden, you can do a lot to preserve the useful insects.
So here we go: planting, watering and watching the flower meadow grow.
Note: the Sowing Bags are limited.

Read on our W.R. Lang goes green! page what other contributions we make to climate and environmental protection besides Sowing bags.
Or read one of our stories directly about how we are making our company a little bit “greener”: