Greener with GLS KlimaProtect

Greener with GLS KlimaProtect

W.R. Lang Goes Greener with GLS KlimaProtect


Greener with GLS – Since 1 October 2019 we are becoming a little greener once again with GLS KlimaProtect 

Because since this day GLS delivers all packages in Germany 100% climate-neutrally. Around 160.000 tons of CO2 emissions yearly are compensated by this certified practice. GLS additionally invests in further measures.


W.R. Lang wird grüner - Ab dem 1. Oktober 2019 stellt GLS alle Pakete in Deutschland zu 100 Prozent klimaneutral zu. Greener with GLS KlimaProtect


This includes:

  • The use of 100% electricity from sustainable sources
  • The increased deployment of electric vehicles
  • Extending the charging infrastructure
  • Increased emission-free delivery in the inner cities
  • The establishment of micro-depots close to the cities

All emission caused by the parcel transport are compensated via the PRIMAKLIMA e.V. organization. This non-profit organization protects existing forests. They plant new trees around the globe for the sake of climate protection. Their focus is always on evolving the local population in the process. Thereby in addition creating new perspectives. GLS is currently supporting two certified projects in Bolivia and Indonesia.


Greener with GLS KlimaProtect


GLS is one of the three major parcel services in Germany. Together they have a market share of 75%. Three of four consignments of goods within Germany should therefore take place climate-neutrally. This is good news. The major parcel services certainly attach more importance to climate-neutral shipping than others. They for instance consider how to package their goods in a sustainable way.


Our company ships hundreds of packages every day. We therefore take our responsibility for the environment very seriously. For this reason we have consciously decided on the a little more expensive shipping. This is now done with GLS KlimaProtect.


More information about GLS KlimaProtect can be found here.


Read more about our other projects of W.R. Lang goes green!: