Allgemein EN

Buzzer-time at the W.R. Lang Bees!

Buzzer-time at W.R. Lang – Of unromantic swarms and romantic heroes The development of the bee colony reaches its peak in late spring and summer. Meadows and fields resemble a sea of blossoms, everything grows, blossoms, hums and buzzes. Who doesn’t get romantic thoughts? Now is also the time for our bees to reproduce, the […]

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Living more sustainably – these apps can help

Living more sustainably. We have located apps that can help to be more environmentally friendly and climate-friendly with our resources. Hard to imagine today, but life without WhatsApp and mobile Internet was quite normal a few years ago. A life without a smartphone is now unthinkable for most people. About 20 years ago, cell phones […]

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We love bees!

W.R. LANG goes green for the environment and nature conservation in 2021. Everyone is talking about insect mortality. We do something about it! We love bees! That’s why, by participating in the bee project, we take on the sponsorship of a bee colony for a whole year, as well as 100 square meters of bee […]

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Our First Certificate from GLS KlimaProtect

With our first certificate from GLS KlimaProtect, we have been getting a little greener again since October 1, 2019. With KlimaProtect GLS has originated a unique ecology program for the protection of the environment in 2019. Thanks to this program, parcel shipping with GLS is 100% climate neutral! Several millions of Euro have been invested […]

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Sustainable giveaways – we’re becoming greener there, too!

We strive to make our company a little greener every month. Sustainable giveaways contribute to this, for we want to act responsibly and environmentally consciously. We in fact periodically start promotions using small tokens to thank customers for orders or service contracts. With these giveaways we wish to achieve two things. Appreciating our customers and […]

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The food rescuers of RETTERGUT

Others have sustainable ideas, too… and put them into action. We are introducing the food rescuers of the Berlin-based startup enterprise RETTERGUT. We cannot live without food, the German term for it is thus Lebensmittel (lit. “means for living“).The production of food consumes a considerable of the resources we use. The way our food is […]

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Our New Online Shop Is Here!

Nice, clearly arranged and user-friendly – the new Online Shop of W.R. Lang! During the last weeks and months we have collected a lot of ideas and looked for optimization potentials. Our main focus clearly was on user-friendliness and the connection to our warehouse logistics so to guarantee the best possible shopping experience for our […]

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Sustainability and Health – not only in the Orthopedic Shoe Technology Operation

Our company has the ambition to become a little “greener” every month. In doing so, it wants to make a contribution to environmental protection, sustainability and health. We are all required to look ahead in order to promote a healthy economy in a healthy environment. We have already been able to implement a number of […]

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Our office dog Arya

Seven proven reasons why our office dog Arya is good for a sustainable business culture     Nearly every second business prohibits animals in the office. Seven scientifically proven facts show why there should be an exception for dogs. 1. Dogs improve the working atmosphere Everyone who has come into contact with a dog at […]

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Our water dispenser is also “green

Since August 2020, there is a water dispenser from the company Waterlogic® in our kitchen. By having a water dispenser, we avoid the environmental impact of bottles. Our new water dispenser offers great advantages compared to ordering water in bottles or gallons for water dispensers. Because the handling is very easy and saves additionally a […]

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