With our first certificate from GLS KlimaProtect, we have been getting a little greener again since October 1, 2019.
With KlimaProtect GLS has originated a unique ecology program for the protection of the environment in 2019. Thanks to this program, parcel shipping with GLS is 100% climate neutral!
Several millions of Euro have been invested in a whole bundle of targeted activities. This applies to the compensation, reduction and avoidance of CO2 emissions.
These include:
- usage of 100% of sustainable electricity
- the increased use of electric vehicles
- expansion of the charging infrastructure
- pressing ahead with the emission-free delivery in inner cities
- the establishment of micro depots close to cities
All emissions caused by transporting parcels are compensated through PRIMAKLIMA e.V.. This is a non-profit association that protects existing forests and plants new trees around the globe for the sake of the protection of the environment. This means their main focus is on the inclusion of the local population. And above all, the creation of new perspectives. GLS currently supports two certified projects in Bolivia and Indonesia.
What has been implemented so far?
Our company has consciously chosen the a little more expensive shipping with GLS KlimaProtect. We want to set an example with our active participation. In doing so, we support a sustainable and future-oriented parcel logistics. Doing so, we make a valuable, active contribution to the protection of the climate. We simultaneously improve our own environmental balance.
Our First Certificate
We have recently received our first KlimaProtect certificate as a proof of CO2 neutral shipping. We are proud to be able to show our commitment to the protection of the environment by this, too.

You will find more information and downloads regarding the GLS KlimaProtect at any time on the website of GLS: gls-group.com/DE/de/gls-informiert/klima-protect.
Also read about our other projects pertaining to „W.R. Lang goes green“: